Oculus Rift Demo with Project Cars
Dec 10, 2014
When 3D TV's came on the scene it was touted as the next big thing. I tried Sony's PlayStation PS3 / 3D TV but it did not make me go out and invest. In contrast the Oculus Rift Virtual Reality headset is truly a "game changer". The DK2 is software development platform at present but is coming as a consumer product, allegedly in 2015.
The company which successfully launched on Kickstarter pulling in millions was then brought by FaceBook for $2bn. So they can't be short of cash.
Check out the first impressions by Gamermuscle. SimRoom will offer a complete "ready to drive" package based around the Oculus Rift. If you would like to be specifically informed on the development drop us a email ask@simroom.com